Article Processing and Maintenance

International Journal of Economics, Business, and Human Behaviour is an open-access journal. IJEBHB does not charge its readers. Therefore, all the published articles in IJEBHB are freely available for its readers to not only they can read them but download and cite them or print them as well. Furthermore, IJEBHB does not receive any grant or financial support from any institution.

All the processing of the article is free, and once the article is accepted, author/s need to pay an Article Maintenance Charges, to meet with the actual expenses of it like:

  • Article Plagiarism and similarity check.
  • Various Indexing Database and Management.
  • Conversion of the article into a different format.
  • Digital promotion of the article.
  • Journal Hosting and workflow System
  • In-house linguistic support
  • Pagination & typesetting
  • Internationally Recognised Archiving,
  • open-access repositories.

Article publication charges


Authors from India*

Authors from Other than India*

Article Publication

150 USD (Excluding Transaction Charges)

250 USD (Excluding Transaction Charges)

*IJEBHB offers APC waivers to an article whose corresponding authors are based in countries classified by the World Bank as low-income economies.

Waiver Policy

If the Author genuinely cannot afford the fees to get the article published in open access with IJEBHB, then individual waiver requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and may be granted in cases of genuine need provided by the chief in Editor or Managing Editor's approval.