Challenges Faced by Mushroom Exporters In Coimbatore City – An Analytical Study
India has a wide scope for growing different types of vegetables and mushrooms since the climate is appropriately suitable for mushroom cultivation in India. The marketing of fresh mushrooms is a very challenging one in India due to its nature as perishable products. The demand for mushroom is growing since all the country's people are turning in to health-conscious and interested to have the richest source of protein. Therefore, the necessities of natural vegetables as well as cultivated mushroom consumption patterns are slowly increasing in the 21st century. Since there are few challenges faced by cultivators of mushroom as well as exporter of mushroom in India. For overcome the challenges of the mushroom exporter, whole mushroom exporters are adopting eight prolonged strategy in terms of product categorization, quality of mushroom cultivation style, spread the mushroom in among the potential area, improving the quality of mushroom and its packaging style, slowly increase the market reachability, offering the value-added services related mushroom products like preparation of mushroom recipe for simple and easy cooking, well-established agriculture and mushroom cultivation infrastructural facilities, develop the knowledge and skill, establish the standard brand positioning and promote the mushroom export in all over the world with the help of India’s export promotion council and Agricultural Export Development Authority for reach the Indian mushroom products in the world market. The problems associations with growing mushrooms were resolved by technological advancements in the mushroom industry. Finally, this present study is going to examine the challenges faced by the mushroom exporters in the study area. This study concluded that, if mushroom cultivators and exporters and Government agencies are joining together, one or another day Indian mushroom will become the king of the overseas mushroom market.
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