Feasibility Study on the effectives of Total Quality Management model in Engineering Projects
TQM can be considered as a broad system method that “horizontally works” across an organization and involves every single employee as well as departments and extends back and forth to embrace both customers and suppliers. However, there has been a series of setbacks regarding many engineering project due to lack of sound Total Quality Management model that can be employed by key stakeholders. For that reason, the TQM framework in this feasibility study consisted of two levels and comprised of all TQM philosophical management elements. In particular, level 1 comprises TQM soft factors, while level 2 encompasses the underlying details of each soft factor. The survey consisted of about 14 experts in the field of engineering as well as seven from management levels from governmental the hotel industry and 7 form universities. To ascertain the consistency of the respondents (experts in the field of engineering), a binomial test was conducted to evaluate the null hypothesis, which states that “There are no differences among experts’ opinions.” From the results, it was identified that soft factors of TQM have a close relationship with each other. There was a positive correlation between four items, which were “committed leadership, closer customer relationship, benchmarking and process improvement”. Using Columbia Basin Project (CBP) as a case company, it was realized that that leaders of Odessa Ground Water Management Subarea in CBP needs to consider implementing the TQM framework to improve their project viability and consequently reduce costs
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