A study of Contribution of NGOs in Human Resource Development
The human resources within the country play a major part in its development. Human Resource Development is concerned with developing skills, knowledge & competencies of the people. It is people-oriented concept. Human Resource Development can be applied both at the national & organizational level. In society, people need competencies such as knowledge, attitude, values, and skills to perform various tasks. Higher degree and quality of performance of tasks requires higher level of knowledge & skills. Without continuous development of competencies in people an organization and also the country is not likely to achieve its goals. Increasing collaborative ventures between India and foreign corporations, the import and export of technology and other resources, and importance for effective partnerships increases the concerns about human resources management and development in other countries. In the development of the country various organizations play vital role. Among these NGO is one of the important types of organization. NGOs are components of social movements. NGOs works in many different fields, but it is generally associated with those seeking social transformation and improvements in quality of life.
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