Diversity Management as an Effective Tool to Support Sustainable Management in Public Sector Organizations
A Case Study at the Wasit Spinning and Knitting Factory
The most noticeable aspect of the new world is the diverse workforce. Therefore, diversity management has become important for public institutions and business organizations for several factors, including enhancing the ability of organizations to attract and develop human resources and to retain qualified ones of them. So, organizations must create an organizational culture based on diversity. The organization’s sustainability strategy through the optimal utilization of available resources and capabilities, whether human or material is the second element in this paper.
This research consists of a theoretical framework about diversity management and management sustainability and their dimensions; the second part is dedicated to the empirical part which is the checklist that is used to evaluate the actual situation of diversity management and the sustainability of management. The results show that the diversity management application and documentation level is 64%, which means that there is a gap of 36%. At the same time, the sustainable management application and documentation level were at 62.8%, so the gap is 37.2%. According to those gaps, the study recommends that new ideas must be generated and applied in this factory to reach sustainability effectively.
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