Organizational Cynicism and Turnover Intention in Hotel Industry at Delhi
The current study focuses on the hotel industry in Delhi, to gauge the association between organizational cynicism and turnover intention and to check statistically whether the association is significant or not. The adapted questionnaire was the medium to capture the information related to the study and respondents were employees working in the hotel industry in Delhi. 249 samples from the population were analysed with the help of SPSS (version 20). Reliability and factor analysis was found suitable in preliminary analysis. Thereafter, Simple Linear Regression analysis was applied to report the association between the variables of the current study. Researchers have reported a poor and positive association, which was statistically insignificant. It was the inference that organizational cynicism behaviour has no effect on turnover intention in the hotel industry at Delhi, although such feelings are prevailing among the employees. The findings of the study will make aware to the owners of business firm to minimize such attitude which detriments the performance of employees and organization, whiles shortcomings will provide the direction to identify the gap for further research.
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