Impact of Employee Value Proposition on Employee Retention:
A conceptual paper
According to the Labour Demand Survey (2017), conducted by the department of census and statistics, in Sri Lanka, sewing machine operators are the number one employee category that reported the highest percentage of labour turnover. Therefore, the apparel sector organizations must have a mechanism to retain their talented employees. Employer branding has been a strategic reaction towards attracting prospective employees and retaining them within. Employer branding is plausible through ‘Employee Value Proposition’ (EVP)─a set of values that employees expect in return for their offer of service to a particular organization. Thus, this paper presents a conceptual framework in modeling the EVP and its related context using a targeted literature review on the basic concepts of employer branding, EVP, and other related areas. As a result, the conceptual framework that the researchers developed, provides a basis to conduct further empirical studies to identify relationships among EVP, employee brand equity, and employee's intention to retain with the moderating effect of some demographic factors. This result is appreciable as it paves the way to conduct empirical research aiming at finding solutions to resolve employee turnover issues in the apparel industry In Sri Lanka.
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