An exploration of strategies to restore morale in non-academic staff in the higher education sector:A case of Chinhoyi University of Technology
The study sought to explore strategies to restore morale in non academic staff in higher education sector with specific reference to Chinhoyi University of Technology.The study was carried out in February and March 2021,employed qualitative research method and case study research design.In-depth interview guide and document review were the data collection tools utilised and a sample size of twenty(20)participants.The study found that the main causes of employee demoralization are lack of upward mobility and inconsistent approach by management.Wage differentials negatively affected many employees in the organisation and morale was low,it results in lack of job satisfaction,less employee engagement and causes labour turnover.Some strategies to restore morale among non-academic staff employees were suggested.They include employee recognition programmes and transparent job evaluation to reduce wage inequalities.The recommendations were that university authorities in liaison with the parent ministry of higher and tertiary education should carry out fair and transparent job evaluations such that the grading system for employees is not tilted to one side.Conditions of service for employees should be negotiated unlike just imposing as evidenced by documentary evidence.
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